Sunday 29 October 2023


Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!(1 John 3:1)

One of God’s most loving and enduring blessings to us is the gift of family. Through faith, we become sons and daughters of God – adopted into a diverse and loving family!

Membership in His family assures many benefits. We are always – fully and without question – loved by our Father. He gave everything that He had to adopt us as His own. In the household of faith, we are surrounded by brothers and sisters who love us with deep affection. We no longer are lonely strangers; we are accepted and beloved.

These brothers and sisters pray for us to the finish line and celebrate our victories. They sit in the ashes with us when our hearts are broken. They gently admonish us when we wander off course. They offer hospitality and generosity when we are in need. They encourage us with songs, Scriptures, and wise words. We eat together, laugh together, grow together, and share our stories.

God's Gift of Family:
Love, Support, Unity and Belonging

And when differences arise? We extend the same grace to others that Jesus lavishly pours out to us. We do not provoke others to anger, and we are quick to forgive. We insist that peace ties us together.

We are not created to go it alone. We are gifts to one another from our Father Who knew that we would need each other’s encouragement and love. Together, we are the King’s children!


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Thanks be to God for the rich and beautiful life that you have as a child of God! May your life be blessed by the family of believers. May you bless the family of God as you share the gifts He gives. In the name of Jesus… Amen.


Old Testament:

Ecclesiastes 10 : 1-12:14

New Testament

2 Corinthians 8: 1-15

Psalms & Proverbs:

Psalm 49: 1-20

Proverbs 22 : 20-21

The King πŸ‘‘ Is Coming
Jesus Is Coming
For Prayer Call: +234-80-3977-9953

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